It should be clear for
anyone visiting this website that I'm a big fan of
science fiction films, especially as I'm constantly
making Star Wars references as well as owning a Dune collection inspired from the film made in
1984. Yet what may not be widely known is that I'm also a
huge fan of science fiction films made from the golden
era of cinema 1929-1965. In fact this genre is such a big
deal to me that I even ran a convention in July 2012 to
help celebrate it ... see Con 9
From Outer Space.
Being a fan of classic
sci-fi films it's probably no surprise to learn that I
collect them too. In years gone by the collection was
only ever on VHS, but these days DVD is more prevalent
which is ironic as my first EVER DVD purchase
was ... Plan 9 From Outer Space.
So what is it about
these films that attract me to them? Well I think a lot
has to do with the fact that I saw many of them when I
was really young so they left a big impression,
especially as the only way to see them was on free-to-air
TV (no video recorders back in those days). In fact I
still remember being scared to go to bed after seeing The
Blob as well as having to turn the TV off in fright after
the dogs chewed the arm off The Thing. But that aside
these films also have a real innocence about them,
especially as they have a complete lack of swearing,
hardly any violence (certainly nothing that would be
considered extreme) and were totally reliant on old
school special effects to tell their story. In short
these films are great fun to watch - even the bad ones.
So do I have any
favourites? You betcha...
Clearly #1 has to be The
Day the Earth Stood Still which stands right
next to Forbidden Planet. These two
films are fantastic examples of classic science fiction
at its best and offer great repeat viewing pleasure.
Directly behind our top
two are The Thing (From Another World) which
I love for the chatty overlapping dialogue and Metropolis
which is a personal fave. Next to this are Fiend
Without a Face and The Incredible
Shrinking Man the latter of which is a truly
excellent movie.
Other films I really
enjoy are This Island Earth, War
of the Worlds, The Blob, Earth
vs The Flying Saucers, and The Fly.
In terms of films that
are so bad they HAVE to be good, Santa Claus
Conquers the Martians is a real treat for
watching on Christmas Eve as well as Plan 9 From
Outer Space which I think lives in the hearts of
all classic sci-fi fans.
As fortune would have
it, I've not yet seen every film I own which means I have
a ready supply of new movies to watch on a rainy day. One
thing is for certain, if you're feeling a bit fed up with
the world, nothing brings a smile to the face more than
popping on a 50s classic and just letting the nostalgia
Below is a DVD listing
of the collection including TV shows and weekly serials,
remember that it's by no means complete as I'm still in
the process of filling some gaps.
- 12 to the Moon
- 1984
- 20,000 Leagues
Under the Sea
- 20 Million Miles to
- 4D Man
- Alligator People
- Amazing Colossal
Man, The
- Amazing Transparent
Man, The
- Angry Red Planet,
- Assignment Outer
- Astounding
She-Monster, The
- Atomic Man, The
- Attack of the 50
Foot Woman
- Attack of the Crab
- Attack of the Giant
- Attack of the
Puppet People
- Atomic Submarine,
- Battle Beyond the
- Beast from 20,000
Fathoms, The
- Beast of Hollow
Mountain, The
- Beast with a
1,000,000 Eyes, The
- Beginning of the
- Beyond the Time
- Black Scorpion, The
- Blob, The
- Brain from Planet
Arous, The
- Brain Machine, The*
- Brain That Wouldn't
Die, The
- Brick Bradford
- Buck Rogers
- Captain Video:
Master of the Stratosphere (serial)
- Cat Women of the
- Colossus of New
York, The
- Commando Cody: Sky
Marshal of the Universe (serial)
- Conquest of Space
- Cosmos: War of the
Planets *
- Cosmic Man, The
- Crack in the World
- Crawling Eye, The
- Crash of Moons *
- Creation of the
- Creature Walks
Among Us, The
- Creature with the
Atom Brain
- Creature from the
Black Lagoon
- Curse of the Fly
- Day Mars Invaded
Earth, The
- Day of the
Triffids, The
- Day the Earth
Caught Fire, The
- Day the Earth Stood
Still, The
- Day the Sky
Exploded, The
- Day the World Ended
- Deadly Mantis, The
- Destination Moon
- Destination Space
- Destroy all Planets
- Devil Girl From
- Donovan's Brain
- Earth Dies
Screaming, The
- Earth vs The Flying
- Earth vs The Spider
- Eye Creatures, The
- Fantastic Voyage
- Fiend Without a
- Fire Maidens from
Outer Space
- First Men in the
- First Spaceship on
- Five
- Flash Gordon
Conquers the Universe (serial)
- Flash Gordon Space
Soldiers (serial)
- Flash Gordon Trip
to Mars (serial)
- Flight to Mars
- Fly, The
- Flying Disc Man
from Mars (serial)
- Flying Saucer, The
- Forbidden Planet
- Four Sided Triangle
- From the Earth to
the Moon
- Giant Behemoth, The
- Giant Claw, The
- Giant Gila Monster
- Gog
- Green Slime, The
- I Married a Monster
from Outer Space
- Incredible
Petrified World, The*
- Incredible
Shrinking Man, The
- Invaders from Mars
- Invasion of the
Body Snatchers
- Invasion of the
Saucer Men
- Invisible Boy, The
- Invisible Invaders
- Invisible Man, The
- It Came from
Beneath the Sea
- It Came from Outer
- It Conquered the
- It! The Terror from
Beyond Space
- Journey to the 7th
- Journey to the
Centre of the Earth
- Journey to the Far
Side of the Sun
- Killers from Space
- King of the Rocket
- Kronos
- Laser Mission *
- Last Man on Earth,
- Last Woman on Earth
- Lost Continent
- Lost Planet, The
- Magnetic Monster,
- Man from Planet X,
- Mars Needs Women
- Menace from Outer
Space *
- Mesa of Lost Women
- Metropolis
- Missile to the Moon
- Mole People, The
- Monolith Monsters,
- Monster from Green
- Monster of Piedras
Blancas, The
- Monster that
Challenged the World, The
- Monstrosity
- Not of this Earth
- Outer Limits, The
(TV show)
- Phantom Empire, The
- Phantom from 10,000
Leagues, The
- Phantom from Space
- Phantom Planet, The
- Plan 9 From Outer
- Planet Outlaws *
- Prehistoric Women *
- Project Moonbase
- Purple Monster
Strikes, The (serial)
- Quatermass
Xperiment, The
- Quatermass II
- Quatermass and the
- Queen of Outer
- Radar Men from the
Moon (serial)
- Red Planet Mars
- Return of the Fly
- Revenge of the
- Riders to the Stars
- Robinson Crusoe on
- Robot Monster
- Rocketship X-M
- Santa Claus
Conquers the Martians
- Satellite in the
- Science Fiction
Theatre (TV show)
- She Creature
- Slime People, The
- Snow Creature *
- Space Master X-7
- Spaceways
- Stranger from Venus
- Strange World of
Planet X, The
- Tarantula
- Target Earth
- Teenagers from
Outer Space
- Terror from the
Year 5000
- Thing (From Another
World), The
- Time Machine, The
- Time Travellers,
- The World, The
Flesh and The Devil
- Them!
- They Came from
Beyond Space *
- They Saved Hitler's
- Things to Come
- This Island Earth
- Twilight Zone, The
(TV show)
- Tobor the Great
- Undersea Kingdom
- Unknown World
- Voyage to the
Bottom of the Sea
- Voyage to the End
of the Universe
- Voyage to the
Planet of Prehistoric Women *
- Voyage to the
Prehistoric Planet *
- War of the Colossal
- War of the Worlds,
- Warning from Space
- Wasp Woman, The
- When Worlds Collide
- World Without End
- X: The Man with
X-Ray Eyes
- X The Unknown
- Zombies of the
Stratosphere (serial)
- Zontar The Thing
From Venus *
* Is part of a large DVD
box set compilation so the film doesn't have its own
dedicated cover.
It's worth noting that
not all the films are official releases as many are now
listed as Public Domain. In the case where a film is
simply not available on DVD, the only alternative is for
fans to create their own versions. The good thing is the
films still have nicely presented covers with menus,
chapters and sometimes even extra features, the only
difference is that they aren't licenced by anyone and
often the film quality isn't the best. Still, to me
they're as good as owning the real thing and look just as
great on the bookshelf - as can be seen below.

example of a DVD cover I made myself