A Darren Maxwell Film


What is it?

The Psychology of Killing is a new feature film suspense thriller written by Darren Maxwell.
Where did the idea come from?
The Psychology of Killing and its sequel were made as short films in 2007 and 2009 respectively. In August 2009, Darren realised that he would need to move into the feature film arena at some point in his career, so it seemed only natural to take the two short films (mainly the lead characters) and merge them into one story.
Where will the film be made?
Although we are based in Australia, we are open the idea of producing the film overseas. A lot will depend on how successful we are in marketing the concept and whether we gain any financial investors.
What is the status of the Project?
Darren has completed the screenplay for the film, which means the movie is ready to be made. But it won't be easy, being set in the USA in around 1997 will make production quite difficult.
Where can I get more information?
For more information on The Psychology of Killing, just contact Darren at darren@maxwell.net





The Psychology of Killing: Copyright © Darren Maxwell