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.... | July 15, 2012 - Con 9 From Outer Space has come to a successful close and before we have even left the venue new ideas are already being tossed around for another convention. One suggestion comes from Russell Devlin (the creator of Con 9) who mentions a convention based around 1970s sci-fi called Con 70. Darren Maxwell instantly realises this is a great idea especially as it has the potential to be very successful, but having just run Con 9 he's not interested in running another convention and no one else seems keen to take it on, consequently the concept of Con 70 remains dormant but not forgotten. August 14, 2013 - It has been more than a year since Con 9 was held and people are still asking Darren if there will be another one which keeps the idea of Con 70 alive in his mind. Finally Darren sends an email to a number of people, including the Con 9 team, asking what they think of the Con 70 concept to gauge their reaction. Almost immediately ideas start flooding back and it's through the following discussions when the Labour Day long weekend in March 2015 is brought up as a possible date. It's also through this initial email where most of the Con 9 organising team opt to return for Con 70 even though at this stage the convention is still only being touted as a "what if" event despite the high level of enthusiasm. August 21, 2013 - Darren decides to put together a website (just the main page) to see what it will look like. August 22, 2013 - It's clear that the momentum of Con 70 is now starting to build as Darren registers the website www.con70.com. As an incentive to holding the convention, a friend of the group mentions that this event had better go ahead as people like himself were now keen to attend it. Based on this feedback Darren acknowledges that Con 70 could definitely become a reality. August 23, 2013 - Purely for the fun of it, the first draft programme is created just to see what Con 70 may have in store as far as its panels are concerned. August 30, 2013 - The rest of the website pages are created and launched even though some of them have no content as yet. It is here where Darren acknowledges that Con 70 will now go ahead and officially kicks it off as an actual convention. September 4, 2013 - An email goes out to the previous Con 9 organising team formerly inviting them to be a part of the new Con 70 team and within two hours all of them have signed up including a couple of new faces who have also come on board. This is a very positive start indeed. September 7, 2013 - The word is out! Today Con 70 was officially announced to Melbourne Science Fiction Fandom to a very eager and excited audience at an Austrek (Star Trek fan club) meeting. November 10, 2013 - It's all systems go! Today we held our first Con 70 team meeting where the actual organisation of the convention finally got underway and already things are looking fantastic. January 31, 2014 - Our venue was officially booked and locked in today, yep we're heading back to the Amora! All that remains now is to finalise our logo and commence formal advertising in March. March 7, 2014 - The countdown clock is officially ticking as we're now exactly one year away from Con 70! March 24, 2014 - We're officially open for business! Today we launched our online membership form and advised all of our Con 9 members via email that we exist and can you believe that by the end of the night a number of people had already signed up! July 5, 2014 - Con 70 made its first public appearance by having a presence at Oz Comiccon. Even though our convention is still nine months away, the interest in it is building and it was really great to see attendees from Con 9 From Outer Space show a lot of enthusiasm for our latest venture. August 23, 2014 - Con 70 made its second public appearance at Galaxy Fest where we were able to utelise our new Con 70 table banner and promote our event to the world once again. The word of the convention is beginning to spread which is great for us. October 7, 2014 - It's now exactly six months to the day when Con 70 will be kicking off. To celebrate this milestone we released our first Con 70 Progress Report October 18, 2014 - Con 70 made a presence at the Armageddon expo. Since this was the first time we had a full table to ourselves at an expo (we only had half a table at OCC), we were able to really deck it out. The good news is that interest in our event is growing which is really great to see. Our Treasurer Lynne heads the Con 70 table at Armageddon 2014 . November 28, 2014 - Con 70 is on TV! A special thanks to the 42 Geek Street guys on Channel 31 for doing a small segment on Con 70 where we got to promote our event to the wider world. January 7, 2015 - It's hard to believe but we're now two months away from our big show. How time has flown! January 26, 2015 - Our official promotional video went live today. February 7, 2015 - This is it. After planning this convention for nearly a year and half, we've now exactly one month away from our big event and everything is shaping up really well. March 1, 2015 - Today we finalised our auction list, 92 items full of 70s goodness, now we just have to see how well they sell! March 5, 2015 - Our online booking form closed today, which was like losing an old friend considering it has served us so well. On the plus side though, can you believe we start setting up Con 70 from tomorrow night! March 6, 2015 - Well we're finally here! After a year and half of planning, Con 70 will be setting up tonight and kicking off tomorrow. Sadly the next entry you'll see in this timeline will be the final one announcing the convention is over. IT'S OVER! Con 70 - A Retro Sci-Fi Adventure is finished and what a time it was! For a single long weekend we brought the retro 70s past back to the present which is guaranteed to be remembered for a long time to come. And best of all, everyone had a great time. A special thanks to everyone who helped out with the convention and those who attended. .. |
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Con 70 - A Retro Sci-Fi Adventure, Copyright © Darren Maxwell
Site created and maintained by D. Maxwell