Welcome to the super-duper Dag site for





*** OK now that you're here where should you go next? ***

DMFilms (my film making site)

Who is Dags? (all the details on what makes The Dags ... so daggy)

The Daggy Gallery (some pics of The Dags and others. Each one has a story to tell)

My Batman collection (a page devoted to my Batman merchandise collection)

Want to know more about Dags' Batman collection?

A documentary film was made about it in 2020 called 'Batman and Me'. Learn all about it here


Daggy Bits (the name says it all)

The Geoffro Page (a page devoted to my best mate Geoffro)



*** A quick summary overview of The Dags ***

Dags is a mega cool dude who resides in Melbourne, Australia. Although generally unknown to world at large (for now), he does have some small claims to fame.

Aside from once being a serious Batman merchandise collector (refer to the Batman Collection page for more details), Dags has been involved in his local Science Fiction fan community since 1984 which has seen him: run his own conventions; edit both his own and other fan club newsletters; make his own award winning costumes; produce and direct various fan films; produce and direct his own online Sci-Fi video shows; and he once even ran his own club - so you can kinda say he's been around a bit.

Now if you want to see a comprehensive list of Dags' entire fandom career, just go here.

Of particular significance though is that Dags was also a co-founder of Star Walking Inc: the Star Wars Appreciation Society of Australia back in 1988. He served on the committee of this club for 23 years before retiring in 2011 ... only to return in 2013 (thanks to Disney's takeover of Lucasfilm) then retiring again in 2017 making a total of 27 years service!

During his final years at the club, one of Dags' biggest achievements was editing 37 issues of the club's monthly newsletter The Force which he successfully turned into an all-digital, all colour, publication in 2014.

Being involved with Star Walking and the Star Wars fan community meant Dags was able to achieve a lot in his time, including these little gems:

- He got to visit Skywalker Ranch in 1993 (look there he is! Second from the left)


- He appeared on a couple of TV game shows starting with two stints on Family Feud (2008 and 2017) where his Star Wars team WON on both occasions! He also appeared on 1 vs 100 but didn't do to well in that.




- He was a co presenter and the editor of all 42 episodes for the almost world famous Star Wars podcast Star Talking

- He got to march in the 2009 Moomba parade as a Star Wars character - though just quietly, he also marched in the parade as a Star Trek character back in 1987, shhh

- He helped organise a large number of Star Wars conventions and themed banquets

- He appeared in a number of costumed product launches including large gala events

- He has been a key presenter discussing the Star Wars franchise at various community and public libraries

- He was the long time co ordinator and host of many Star Wars social club meetings (called Skyforce) which were held in Melbourne, Sydney and even one in Brisbane!

- He became famous among his peers for creating Star Wars music video clips for conventions and banquets

- He was celebrated by many as being an excellent and entertaining auctioneer at various fan events and conventions. In fact he became so well known that he once even got to do it professionally selling movies posters and lobby cards for a vendor!

- He appeared in the internationally released 2001 Star Wars documentary The Phandom Menace which presented Dags with his first IMDB entry. Snce then of course other entries have appeared in the listing which Dags has been involved in

,- And although it's not entirely Star Wars related, he had a documentary film made about his Batman collection called Batman and Me.

But the life of Dags doesn't just revolve solely around Star Wars oh no, no, no.

As it turns out Dags is also a big Star Trek fan and is heavily involved in his local Star Trek fan club Austrek. In fact Dags is the club's longest serving active participant, having attended their meetings and functions on a consistent basis since 1984 and is also also the author of the club's 'History of' article on their website. As a reward for his devotion to Austrek, Dags was made a Life Member of the club back in 2016 - something he was really proud to receive - especially as it sits nicely alongside his Life Membership to Star Walking.


But let's move away from the Sci-Fi community for a tick.

From 2004 to 2012 Dags pursued one of his greatest passions, film making under the banner of DMFilms. It was his passion for films which allowed him to create a number of short films whilst helping others with their productions as well, including some professionally paid ones.

Want to see a classic Dags production? Well just get a look at this... (running time 5 mins)

and there's this... (running time 7 mins)

and if you haven't had enough yet, then try this... (running time 6 mins)

If you're keen to see more Daggy productions, then just go to the DMFilms website

After completing his film making endeavours in 2012, Dags then re focused his energy on running three Science Fiction conventions

Honestly, where did he find the time!


Finally after achieving everything listed above, Dags felt he still had some creative talent left in his aging body so he decided to produce 25 episodes of his own Science Fiction talk show called Sci-Fi Zone (or The Zed as it became affectionately known by the crew).

This show was a passion project for Dags as it allowed him to talk about all facets of the Science Fiction genre as inspired by his previous conventions. If you want to see how it all turned out you view all the episodes here.


Now just when you thought Dags couldn't possibly do any more in his fandom life, along with his mates MPS and Geoffro he created and ran a live stream video show on Facebook called Talk Nerdy To Me. The show, which premiered in April 2020 during the Covid-19 crisis, was broadcast each week until the end of the year. Alas with everyone self-isolating and stuck at home (including the hosts), it was an ideal time to bring a bit of joy into people's lives by chatting about Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Superheros.

As Dags often said with a laugh, Talk Nerdy To Me was kind of the ugly cousin of Sci-Fi Zone. If you want to see how it all turned out, you can see some of the special presentations here or some of the discussion topics here

With the success of Talk Nerdy firmly under his belt, Dags ended up producing a number of live video shows, including Rip It Off The Card which was the brainchild of Dags' good friend Aron who had recently opened his own collectable store.

Although the show was mainly designed to focus on collectors and collecting, it's primary function was to be entertaining, fun and informative whilst promoting Aron's store which it did very successfully. If you want to see how the show turned out, episodes of season 1 can be found here while episodes of season 2 can be found here

In recent times Dags has been involved in yet another live show production. Called Talking 'Sci-Fi' Stuff, the show was launched in March 2024 and currently broadcasts each week for one hour. If you want to check out any replays of the show, all the episodes can be found here



In his normal life (yes believe it or not he does have one), Dags lives in a modest three bedroom home which features his wonderful other half (Lynne) and the ever lasting memory of his adorable cat (Lulu) who went to sleep in June 2022.

Blessed with an array of great friends and supporters, Dags acknowledges the three loves of his life - besides Lynne and Lulu:

1) His house (officially named Sylvia but more commonly known as The Dag House)

2) His bed - as Dags says "I never met a sleep-in I didn't like"

3) The Sci-Fi fan community - which has has truly shaped him into the Dag he is today.

Now there's a lot more exciting stuff to say about our ever popular Dags, but we suggest you check out the Who is Dags section of this site for that.





Sci-Fi car rego plates


My Star Wars mural


My DUNE collection


My Batman collection


The Dag jacket


My Sci-Fi DVD collection


My film production CV


The Daggy Gallery


Lulu: A Loving Memorial


Dags is a fully fledged supporter of the IMPERIAL EMPIRE. Remember the Empire isn't bad ... it's just a little misunderstood!


This site was launched in August 2000