"Gort! Klaatu Barada ... wow
look what's on!" The strength and success of any science fiction convention lies squarely on its programming and we think Con 9 has the upper hand in this area as we present not one, but four strands of classic Sci-Fi entertainment:
So just have a look to see what's on offer... . Panel/discussion presentation strand #1 and #2 To view the Con 9 programme just click on the following link Con 9 Panel Programme Note that this programme is subject to change without notice. . *** WAIT, WHAT'S THAT IN THE SKY! *** Like what you see with the programme? If so then maybe you can help us because what we need are programme presenters. So if you're a keen fan of golden age Sci-Fi movies, or if you're an afficionardo of classic Sci-Fi comics, Sci-Fi radio shows, pre 1965 Sci-Fi TV that you'd love to talk about, then be sure to let us know by sending an email to con9fromouterspace@gmail.com. . Video Programme This is an exciting part of the convention that is not to be missed as we unearth those classic Sci-Fi gems that have been long since been forgotten. Selections in our programme include these fabulous TV shows when television itself was a science fiction phenomenon:
. Nigel Honeybone Presents "Yesterday's Tomorrow: A Retro Science Fiction Film Festival" As an avid film enthusiast, this is an event that is very close to Nigel's heart. Included in this special programme will be gems like:
Also included will be our short film competition finallists and on Saturday we'll feature a traditional 1950s style movie matinee complete with a cartoon, serial short and B grade film! . |
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Con 9 From Outer Space - Copyright © Russell Devlin and Darren Maxwell
Site created and maintained by D. Maxwell